I first learned of Luis Reinoso in December of 2010. While most folks were holiday shopping for their loved ones, I was shopping for our first coffee from Colombia. We filled tables with coffee from single producers across the country in hopes of discovering something special. In the process, what we found was more than just special; we found an extraordinary selection from the Reinoso family that soared above the rest. The team at Madcap and I were immediately in love. Since, Luis’ coffee has become an instant fan favorite at Madcap.
The Reinosos’ coffee hails from plants that surround their home in the outskirts of Herrera, Tolima, a part unknown to most. The farm is tucked away in a secluded, lush micro-terroir that exists in its own remote valley. There are no other people or homes in sight when you reach the Reinoso household – only coffee, happy trees, and the peaceful sound of a roaring river at the foot of the farm. The farm receives ample rainfall, and just enough sun during midday as it peaks over the eastern hills, before falling behind the western peaks just a few hours later. The river provides the farm with plenty of water, a cool breeze, and delicious fish for pescado frito. This isn’t a place that someone stumbles upon. It’s a full day’s journey from any major city, and still a 3+ hour trip on rocky unpaved roads from the nearest small town of Herrera. The trek requires a 4×4, a skilled driver, and an immunity to car sickness (which fortunately, I have been self-diagnosed with).

From my handful of visits with Luis, what I’ve noticed most is his diligence. He stays humble while he dedicates himself to doing honest work in the details. We’ve spoken often of the meticulous processing he does to achieve proper fermentation and the careful work he spends on his land keeping the trees healthy. We’ve mentioned his detailed work quite often over the years at Madcap and, on my most recent visit, there was something he wanted to make very clear: the farm and the land are a family effort, and his wife, Yenni, is equally responsible for the coffee.
Yenni is shy, and a little bashful. She blushes at Luis’ words while simultaneously affirming the truth, “yes, this coffee is a family effort.” She supports the team when it comes to harvesting only ripe coffee. They strive to harvest as much as possible themselves and receive support from extended family as it’s difficult to train labor in the area to harvest to their standard. While Luis ferments and washes the coffee right outside their bedroom window, Yenni is in charge of the drying process that finishes on the roof of their home. She rakes the coffee regularly and sorts out unwanted parchment and assures even, slow drying is taking place (a process that has progressed greatly since we began our partnership 8 years ago).

Aside from the coffee, she does the work that keeps the farm, household, and family churning. In tandem with managing the drying beds, she anchors the home while Luis is working the fields. Whether it’s taking care of their three young children or preparing nourishing meals from fresh ingredients around the farm, there are a lot of day-to-day tasks on the farm to keep things moving smoothly. After years of sharing “Luis Reinoso” coffee, it has become apparent that it’s more than simply variety, terroir, and precision in the details that make this coffee great. Yenni and Luis’ coffee is a labor of love.
Throughout the year, we taste through many separations of coffee within the Reinoso farm. With each separation we taste, we share our feedback as they constantly look for more information and always want to keep improving. We consistently experience lovely tasting coffee, and at times we see extraordinary coffee that leaves us grasping for the right words. For the lots that leave us speechless, we pay premiums on-top of premiums to honor and celebrate the Reinosos’ excellent work. Beginning today, we will be rolling out a new coffee from the Reinoso Family: Yenni Reinoso. This is a limited selection from their farm, leaving us speechless as we get an even clearer, brighter window into the excellence of Yenni and Luis’ process.